Saturday, 21 July 2012

Chi Chi Viva La Diva Matte Lipstick Review: 'Bimbo' and 'Valley Doll' (Bright Pinks)

Hey Beauty Birds!

Recently I headed down to my local target in search of a matte lipstick. I had recently watched Shannon Harris (shaaanxo on YouTube) talking about a matte lipstick she had picked up from the Chi Chi cosmetics line.

I had always seen Chi Chi in my local department store, but didn't think much of it. I had always remembered seeing it in discount makeup stores, often looking a bit tacky.

Shannon convinced me to try out a Viva La Diva lipstick, as it had worked well for her!

I have recently become a lot more COURAGEOUS when it comes to lip colour, so I picked up two bright pinks! (These lipsticks retail at $18.95 in Australia...around $22.00 in NZ)

Here's the exterior packaging...I personally love it! Very chic...

The packaging reminds me of a nyx black label...just minus
the groovy packaging! I LOVE THE PRINT!!

'Bimbo' and 'Valley Doll'

'Valley Doll' 


(Top to bottom) 'Bimbo' and 'Valley Doll'

Ahh, both of these colours are so gorgeous! I love the way that these colours look and contrast with my darker skin tone! I definitely prefer 'Bimbo' to 'Valley Doll' .. The brighter the better, I say! ;)

Shaanxo mentioned in her video that these lipsticks smelt of a 'granny fragrance' or something along those lines. I can see where she's coming from, although it honestly doesn't bother me, and I'm quite sensitive to smelly things! 
If you think it could be a problem for you, then definitely head to your local Target or Gloss to take a whiff of these guys!

Thanks loves, talk soon xxx

Instagram username: madeleineedixon 

1 comment:

  1. Heyy I really enjoy reading your blog and just wanted to let you know that I nomitated your blog for the Liebster award. There's a link to my blog with the rules and an in depth explanation. Thank you, Claire xo.
